FWD Airport

Airport Pavement engineering & design

Airport pavement condition is vital both from cost effectiveness and aviation safety perspective. AP&G has great expertise and experience in airport pavement engineering, design and evaluation as well as developing maintenance and rehabilitation plans.

Our team of experts will add value to your pavement management efforts by:

  • Utilizing our years of airport pavement testing, engineering, design and evaluation  experiences.
  • Having a thoroughly understanding of ICAO and FAA standards for design and  evaluation of  airport pavements  to ensure your project is streamlined for meeting these standards.
  • Providing a systematic method of assessing current pavement condition by non destructive testing with a Falling Weight Deflectometer, limited core drillings and visual inspections.
  • Determining Pavement Classification Number (PCN-value), using the None Destructive Testing method with a Falling Weight Deflectometer as described in:
    • Federal Aviation Agency (FAA)- Advisory Circular AC-5370-11-B; ASTM D-4694;
    • CROW Guideline D13-02 Guideline on PCN Assignment in the Netherlands 2013.
    • Execution of Skid Resistance measurements on Runways according to the ICAO/FAA Guidelines.
    • Establishing maintenance and rehabilitation plans, and prioritizing the execution of these works in order  to optimize budget management and limit operational impacts during implementation.